Monthly Archives: February 2023

PIV Unit - Heated or Un-Heated?

PIV Unit - Heated or Un-Heated?
Should you buy the heated or unheated version of a PIV Unit? If you are considering purchasing a PIV (Positive Input Ventilation) unit for your home, one of the decisions you will need to make is whether to opt for a model with or without a pre-heater. A pre-heater is an additional component ...
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Eradicate Mould & Condensation In Your Home

Eradicate Mould & Condensation In Your Home
Mould and condensation can be harmful to both the structure of your home and your health. Here are some ways to eradicate mould and condensation in your home: Improve Ventilation Improving ventilation is one of the most important steps in reducing mould and condensation in your home. Here ...
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