Monthly Archives: February 2016

Do Smart Thermostats Really Save Money?

It seems like smart technology is everywhere right now, whether it be in mobile phones, lights or even kitchen appliances. Some scientists are predicting a future in which our homes will be completely interwoven with computer circuits, allowing us to have full control over virtually ...
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Why Do I Need Circuit Breakers?

Electricity has completely transformed our lives for the better but there are risks to utilising this powerful force. As we know, electricity can be extremely dangerous, both directly and indirectly. A faulty appliance or bad wiring can lead to a lethal electric shock or could even cause a ...
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What Is the Best Water Heater for Me?

What Is the Best Water Heater for Me? A high-level overview of the main water heater types For more detail on choosing a specific water heater, try Electric Water Heaters - Choosing The Right One Water heaters are integral to the day-to-day running of your business or home and are essential ...
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